This is a private Etherpad server for the Beeminder folks and the Microsoft Research folks.
Please get an OK from dreeves before using it.
PSA: We're cleaning up ancient/moribund pads; let us know if anything goes missing and we'll restore it from backup.
Bug Reports
- Put your cursor at the first character of a URL (left of the h in http) and try pasting. It doesn't work!
- It's no longer possible to preserve authorship colors when moving someone else's text around, though it insidiously seems to be preserving them until you reload the page. Same with undo (ctrl-z): losing authorship colors and hitting undo seems to restore them but if you reload the page you find out they weren't restored.
- A line-wrap at just the wrong time can cause typing a space to get eaten.
- Bug with embedded etherpads reported at
To confirm that Etherpad is suppressing the HTTP referrer field: